
تعداد نشریات284
تعداد نشریات سازمان82
تعداد شماره‌ها2,785
تعداد مقالات31,680
تعداد مشاهده مقاله40,111,696
تعداد دریافت فایل اصل مقاله17,605,233


A review on Pyricularia oryzae; biological and taxonomical finding in Iran

صفحه 163-170
A. Pordel؛ M. Javan-Nikkhah


A new species and a new combination in Waitea (Corticiales, Basidiomycota) and the phylogenetic affinity of Disporotrichum

صفحه 171-179
G. Gruhn؛ M. Ghobad-Nejhad


New record of boxwood volutella blight fungal agents in Iran

صفحه 181-186
S. A. Mousavi؛ S. Mousanejad؛ A. Rouhibakhsh؛ S. A. Khodaparast


Cellulolytic fungi from degraded woods of Arasbaran forest, Iran

صفحه 187-194
M. Ebadi؛ Sh. Yeganeh-Ahmadi؛ M. Pazhang؛ F. Mahmoudi Kurdi؛ S. Mollaei


Population genetics and gene sequence analysis of Athelia rolfsii collected from Northern Iran

صفحه 195-203
Z. Mehri؛ S. A. Khodaparast؛ A. Aalami؛ S. Mousanejad؛ H. Masigol؛ H. P. Grossart


Morphological and molecular characterization of Cytospora species involved in apple decline in Iran

صفحه 205-218
R. Azizi؛ Y. Ghosta؛ A. Ahmadpour


Novel endophytic species of Talaromyces sect. Talaromyces associated with saffron plant to the mycobiota of Iran

صفحه 219-229
H. Vardasbi؛ H. Saremi؛ Kh.-B. Fotouhifar؛ H. Kaveh؛ M. Javan-Nikkhah


Alternaria telliensis, a new causal agent of cabbage leaf spot disease in Iran

صفحه 231-239
A. Poursafar؛ Y. Ghosta؛ R. Azizi


First record of Dactylonectria macrodidyma causing black root rot on strawberry

صفحه 241-246
A. Habibi؛ F. Ghaderi


Phaeoacremonium tuscanicum, a new fungal pathogen associated with oak decline in Zagros forests, Iran

صفحه 247-252
S. Bashiri؛ J. Abdollahzadeh؛ A. Evidente


Morphological and molecular characterization of Podosphaera lini on Linum usitatissimum in IRAN

صفحه 253-257
S. Tahery Ardestani؛ S. A. Khodaparast؛ A. Abbasi Moghaddam؛ F. Ghanavati؛ H. Darsaraei


Lecanicillium fungicola, the predominant cause of Agaricus bisporus basidiocarp deformity in Isfahan, Alborz and Khuzestan provinces

صفحه 259-261
F. Memarzadeh؛ B. Sharifnabi؛ R. Eslamizadeh

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب