
تعداد نشریات284
تعداد نشریات سازمان82
تعداد شماره‌ها2,785
تعداد مقالات31,680
تعداد مشاهده مقاله40,111,654
تعداد دریافت فایل اصل مقاله17,605,218


Prediction of survival rate in European white fish (Coregonus lavaretus) fry on three different feeding regimes

صفحه 188-197
M. R. Ahmadi؛ H. Mahmoudzadeh؛ M. Babaei؛ M. Shamsaei Mehrjand


Evaluation of selected substrates for collection of hatchery reared black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) spat

صفحه 198-207
F. Ehteshami؛ A. Christianus؛ H. Rameshi؛ Sharr Azni Harmin؛ Che Roos Saad؛ E. Abdolalian


Comparative effects of pure spirulina powder and other diets on larval growth and survival of green tiger shrimp, Peneaus semisulcatus

صفحه 208-217
M. Ghaeni؛ A. Matinfar؛ M. Soltani؛ M. Rabbani


Population structure, growth and reproduction of leaping grey mullet (Liza saliens Risso, 1810) in Beymelek Lagoon, Turkey

صفحه 218-229
İsmet BALIK؛ Çetin SÜMER؛ Çetin SÜMER؛ Yılmaz EMRE؛ Çetin SÜMER؛ Ferit Y. TAMER؛ D. Aytuğ OSKAY؛ İsa TEKŞAM


Production of Fish Chips from Sand Smelt (Atherina boyeri, RISSO 1810) and Determination of Some Quality Changes

صفحه 218-229
Levent İZCİ؛ Ali GÜNLÜ؛ Ali GÜNLÜ؛ Ali GÜNLÜ؛ Şengül BİLGİN؛ Şengül BİLGİN؛ Şengül BİLGİN


Some biological aspects of Gammarus lacustris Sars, 1863 in Neur Lake Ardabeel province, Iran

صفحه 230-241
A. R. Mirzajani؛ O. Heidari؛ H. Khodaparast Sharifi


Immunological and histopathological changes in Penaeus semisulcatus challenged with Vibrio harveyi

صفحه 254-265
J. Mohajeri؛ M. Afsharnasab؛ B. Jalali؛ S. Kakoolaki؛ M. Sharifrohani؛ A. Haghighi


Survey on fungal, parasites and epibionts infestation on the Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823), in Aras Reservoir West Azarbaijan, Iran

صفحه 266-275
A. Nekuie Fard؛ A. A. Motalebi؛ B. Jalali Jafari؛ M. Aghazadeh Meshgi؛ D. Azadikhah؛ M. Afsharnasab


Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Fatty Acid Composition of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fillets

صفحه 276-285
M. Oraei؛ A. A. Motalebi؛ E. Hoseini؛ S. Javan؛ A. H. Hemmasi


Decapod Crustaceans associated with the sponge Sarcotragus muscarum Schmidt, 1864 (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Levantine coasts of Turkey

صفحه 286-293
T. Özcan؛ T. Katağan


Biometrical characters of Artemia from four Iranian regions

صفحه 294-303
N. Peykaran Mana؛ H. Vahabzadeh؛ M. Hafezieh؛ M. Seidgar؛ A. Shoa Hasani؛ M. A. Yazdani Sadati


Hormonal sex reversal of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by ethynylestradiol-17α (EE2)

صفحه 304-315
K. Razmi؛ T. Naji؛ M. Alizadeh؛ H. Hoseinzadeh Sahafi


Effects of Zataria multiflora and Eucalyptus globolus essential oils on haematological parameters and respiratory burst activity in Cyprinus carpio

صفحه 316-323
N. Sheikhzadeh؛ M. Soltani؛ H. A. Ebrahimzadeh-Mousavi؛ N. Shahbazian؛ M. Norouzi


Growth performance, carcass composition, and immunophysiological indices in juvenile great sturgeon (Huso huso) fed on commercial prebiotic, Immunoster

صفحه 324-335
R. Ta'ati؛ M. Soltani؛ M. Bahmani؛ A. Zamini


The impact of lipid content, cooking and reheating on volatile compounds found in Narrow – barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorous commerson)

صفحه 336-345
E. Zakipour Rahimabadi؛ J. Bakar؛ Y. B. Che Man؛ N. Abdul Hamid؛ A. Arshadi


Short communication: Infection of Aphanius dispar (Holly, 1929) with Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids in Mehran River, Hormuzgan province, south of Iran

صفحه 346-351
Z. Gholami؛ M. Akhlaghi؛ H. R. Esmaeili


Short communication: Chromosome description and localization of Nucleolus Organizing Regions (NORs) by Ag-staining Technique in Alburnus filippii (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) in Anzali Lagoon, North of Iran

صفحه 352-355
S. Nazari؛ M. Pourkazemi؛ J. I. R. Porto


Short communication: Morphological and genetic characterisation of selected Contracaecum (Nematoda: Anisakidae) larvae in Iran

صفحه 356-361
S. Shamsi؛ M. Aghazadeh-Meshgi

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب