
تعداد نشریات284
تعداد نشریات سازمان82
تعداد شماره‌ها2,785
تعداد مقالات31,680
تعداد مشاهده مقاله40,111,693
تعداد دریافت فایل اصل مقاله17,605,228


The cyst-motile stage relationship of three Protoperidinium species from south-east coast of Iran

صفحه 1-12
G. Attaran-Fariman؛ S. Khodami؛ C. J. S. Bolch


The effects of heavy metals exposure on reproductive systems of cyprinid fish from Kor River

صفحه 13-26
M. Ebrahimi؛ M. Taherianfard


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminants in Black-lip (Pearl) Oyster Pinctada margaritifera from Kish Island (Persian Gulf)

صفحه 25-34
P. Eghtesadi-Araghi؛ P. D. Haffner؛ K. Drouillard؛ W. Maghsoudlou


Oil spill modeling of diesel and gasoline with GNOME around Rajaee Port of Bandar Abbas, Iran

صفحه 35-46
M. Farzingohar؛ Z. Z. Ibrahim؛ M. Yasemi


The Application of Multi Attribute Decision Methods (MADM) on prioritizing Iranian fisheries research projects

صفحه 47-66
M. Mortazavi؛ H. Ranaei؛ H. Abbasi


Seasonal variation in chemical composition of the Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) from Karachi Coast

صفحه 67-74
K. Nisa؛ K. Asadullah


Effect of Gamma irradiation and frozen storage on microbial quality of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet

صفحه 75-84
M. Oraei؛ A. A. Motalebi؛ E. Hoseini؛ S. Javan


Gonads tissue changes of Chalcalburnus mossulensis( Heckel, 1843) infected by Ligula intestinalis (cestoda)

صفحه 85-94
A. Parsa Khanghah؛ M. Mojazi Amiri؛ I. Sharifpour؛ B. Jalali Jafari؛ A. A. Motalebi


Survey on the metazoan parasites in Neogobius fishes from Southeastern part of the Caspian Sea

صفحه 95-104
J. Pazooki؛ Z. Mansouri-Habibabadi؛ M. Masoumian؛ A. Aghaee-Moghadam


Distribution and Molecular identification of some causative agents of streptococcosis isolated from farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) in Iran

صفحه 109-122
R. Pourgholam؛ F. Laluei؛ A. A. Saeedi؛ A. Zahedi؛ R. Safari؛ M. J. Taghavi؛ H. Nasrollhzadeh Saravi؛ H. Pourgholam


Using RAPD markers potential to identify heritability for growth in Fenneropenaeus indicus

صفحه 123-134
S. Rezvani Gilkolaei؛ R. Safari؛ F. Laloei؛ J. Taqavi؛ A. Matinfar


Antimutagenic activity of Chloroformic and Methanolic extracts of muscle, liver and cartilage of Sphyrna lewini with the Ames test

صفحه 135-142
S. Samadi؛ M. Emtyazjoo؛ A. A. Khanipour؛ Z. Moghadasi؛ F. Nazarhaghighi


Construction of vaccine from Lactococcus lactis bacteria using Aeromonas hydrophila virulent Aerolysin gene

صفحه 143-154
H. Sasan؛ Raha Abd Rahim؛ Foo Hai Ling؛ Son Radu؛ Hassan Mohd Davoud


Scanning Electron Microscopy of the scale morphology in Cyprinid fish, Rutilus frisii kutum Kamenskii, 1901 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae)

صفحه 155-166
H. R. Esmaeili؛ Z. Gholami


Effect of nanosilver particles on hatchability of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) egg and survival of the produced larvae

صفحه 167-178
M. Soltani؛ M. Esfandiary؛ M. M. Sajadi؛ S. Khazraeenia؛ A. R. Bahonar؛ H. Ahari


Short communication: Occurrence of Ophidonais serpentina in Potamon persicum from Jajrood River, Iran

صفحه 179-182
A. A. Ardalan؛ M. Mooraki؛ M. S. Sadeghi


Short communication: Seasonal Changes in Biochemical Composition and Meat Yield of Shabut (Barbus grypus, Heckel 1843)

صفحه 183-189
Ilkan Ali Olgunoglu؛ Mine Percin Olgunoglu؛ Engin Artar

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب