- Abravesh, z., Assareh, M.H., Tabaei-Aghdaei, S. R., 2012. Effect of Thermal Period on Seed Dormancy of Rosa damascena Mill. Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products 1: 55-59.
- Akbari Khabbaz, M., Ghamari Zare, A., Emam, M., Assareh, M.H., Ghorbanli, M., 2007. Micropropagation of Eucalyptus gongylocarpa, Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research, 15: 142-158 (In Persian).
- Asadi-Corom, F., Mirzaie-Nodoushan, H., Emam, M., Bakhshi-Khaniki, G.R., 2013. Responding populations of Moringa peregrina (Forssk). Fiori to different culture media in callus and regeneration production, Forest and Wood Products, Journal of Natural Resources of Iran, 66 (2): 167-176 (In Persian).
- Assareh, M.H., 2000. Somatic embryogenesis in some Eucalyptus spp. Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research. 3: 11-32 (In Persian).
- Assareh, M.H., Ghorbanli, M. Akbari, M., Ghamari Zare, A. and Emam, M., 2007. Micropropagation, organogenesis and using new method of semiphotoautotrophic in Eucalyptus gongylocarpa, Pajouhesh- va- Sazandegi in Natural Resources, 75: 134-145 (In Persian).
- Assareh, M.H & Sardabi., 2008. Eucalyptus (Description, Illustration & Propagation by Advanced Techniques), Volume 1, Publication of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran 672 P. (In Persian).
- Bennet, I.J., McComb, J.A., Tonkin, CM. and McDavid, D.A.J., 1992. Effect of cytokinins on multiplication and rooting of Eucalyptus globules and other Eucalyptus species. In: Proceedings of conference on mass production technology for genetically improved fast growing forest tree species, France. Association FOrêt-CELlulose (AFOCEL). PP. 195-201.
- Bonga, J.M. & Aderkas, P.V. 1992. In vitro Culture of trees. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 236 pp.
- Bunn E., Senaratna, T., Sivastihamparam, K. and Dixon, K., 2005a. In vitro propagation of Eucalyptus phylacis L. Jhnson and K. Hill., A critically endangered relict from Western Australia. In vitro Cellular and Development Biology-Plant, 41: 812-815.
- Bunn E., 2005b. Development of In vitro methods for ex site conservation of E. impensa, an endangered mallee from southwest Western Australia. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 83: 97-102.
- Dadvar, F., Rostami, Shahraji, T., Assareh, M. H., Emam, M. and Shirvany, A., 2013. Effects of different concentrations of plantsregulators on In vitro micropropagation of Celtis caucasica Willd Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research, 21; 13-23 (In Persian).
- De Bergh, PC., 1983. Effects of agar brand and concentration on the tissue culture medium. Physiology plant, 59: 270- 276.
- Driver, J., and Kuniyuki, A.1984. In vitro propagation of Paradox walnut rootstock. HortScience 19: 507-509.
- Emam, M., Assareh, M.H., Shahrzad, Sh., Khojir, k., 2007. Asexual regeneration of two species of Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus globulus by tissue culture, Final report, Research Institute of Forests and rangelands, Tehran, Iran 45p (In Persian).
- Fallahi, M., Heidari, A., Moharamipour, S., Imani, S., Maroof, A., 2013. Fumigation hexane extract three Eucalyptus species (Eucalyptus microtheca, E. globules and E. camaldulensis) on Saw Toothed Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) Journal of Plant Protection, 5 (1): 45-55.
- Grewal, S. Ahuja, A. and Atal, C.K., 1980. Clonal multiplication of medicinal plants by tissue culture. in vitro proliferation of shoot apices of Eucalyptus citriodora. Hook. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 18:775-776.
- Gupta, P.K., Mascarenhas, A.F. and Jagannathan, V., 1981. Tissue culture of forest trees clonal propagation of mature trees of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook by tissue culture. Plant Science Letters 20: 195-201.
- Gupta, P.K., Mehta, U.J., and Mascarenhas, A.F., 1983. A tissue culture method for rapid propagation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. torreliana from mature trees. Plant Cell Reports, 2: 296-299.
- Gupta, P.K. and Mascarenhas, A.F., 1987. Eucalyptus. In: Bonga, J.M. and Durzan, D.J. (Eds.), Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol. 3. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht/ Boston/ Lancaster, 416p.
- Hartney, V.J., and Barker, P.K., 1980. Vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus by tissue culture. IUFRO Symposium and Workshop on Genetic Improvement and Production of Fast Growing Tree Species. Sao Paulo. Brazil. PP 791-793.
- Hartney, V.J., 1981. Vegetative propagation of the Eucalyptus in vitro. In: Proc IUFRO Sects., 2015. Int. Workshop, In Vitro, Cultivation For Tree Species, Fontainebleau, France, Association FOrêt-CELlulose (AFOCEL). PP. 175-180.
- Hosseinzadeh, J., Sardabi, H., Zarin-kaviani. 2017. Comparison of the growth of industrial Eucalyptus species and cultivars in tropical region of Mehran, Forest and Wood Products, 70 (1) :83-9.
- Jawanshir, K., Mossadegh, A., 1973. Eucalyptus, Tehran University Press, 434 p, (In Persian).
- Jacquiot, C., 1964. Application de la technique de culture des tissue vegetaux a Letude de quelques problemes de physiology de Labre. Ann. Sci. for. 21: 310-473.
- Kamalpour, S., Motesharezadeh, B., Alikhani, H.A. and Zarei, M. 2014. Effects of some biotic factors in lead phytoremediation and phosphorous uptake by Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis ). Iranian Journal of Forest, 5(4): 457- 470.
- Karami, O, Jafarzadeh, A.K., Calbi, S, and Jalilvand, H., 2007. Study Eucalyptus cultivation and Its role in preventing the destruction of forests, The 2nd Regional Conference on Natural Resources and the Environment, Islamic Azad University of Arsanjan Branch, Arsanjan, Iran (In Persian).
- Keneshloo. H., Eghtesadi. A., 2011. The effect of afforestation in reduction oil pollution (heavy metals), Journal of Natural Environment, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, 64: 185-197 (In Persian).
- Kirby, E, G., T, Leustek. And M. S. Lee., 1987. Nitrogen nutrition. In: Bonga, J. M. and D. J. Durzan. Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol 1, General Principles and Biotechnology, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht. PP. 67-88.
- Koriesh, E.M., Abd El-Fattah, Y.M., El-Dayem, M.A., El-Etriby, M.A., 2002. Micropropagation of juvenile Eucalyptus citriodora, Acta Horticulture, 625:283–288
- Lakshmi Sita, G. and Vaidyanathan, C.S., 1979. Rapid multiplication of Eucalyptus by multiple shoot production. Curr. Sci., 48: 350-352.
- Mascarenhas, A.F. Hazara, S., Potdar, U., Kulkarni, D.K. and Gupta, P.K., 1982. Rapid clonal multiplication of mature forest trees through tissue culture. In: Fujiwara, A. (Ed.). Plant Tissue Culture, 1982.Proc 5th Int. Cong Plant Tissue Cell Cult, Tokyo, Japan, PP. 719-720.
- Murashige, T. and F. Skoog., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture. Physiologia Plantarum, 15: 473-597.
- Najafi Ashtiani.A, Assareh. M.H, Baghestani. M.A and Angaji S.J., 2008. The Effects of methanolic extract of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh on Growth and germination rates of Chenopodium album L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 24: 293-303 (In Persian).
- Naraghi. T. S., 2003. In vitro propagation of Taxus baccata through shoot tip cultures, Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research., 11: 309-325 (In Persian).
- Rad, M.H, Assareh, M.H., Meshkat, M.A., Dashtegian, K., and Soltani, M., 2010. Water requirement and production function of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh) in arid environment. Iranian Journal of Forest, 2(1): 61-71 (In Persian).
- Sardabi, H., Rahmani, A., Hamze, B., Assareh, M.H. and Ghorany, M., 2010, Impact of different Eucalypt species on forest soil properties in Guilan provinc, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 18: 116-131 (In Persian).
- Souza, L.S., E.D. Velini, R.C.S. Maiomoni-Rodella., 2003. Allelopathic effect of weeds and concentrations of Brachiaria decumbens on the initial development of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis). Journal of Applied Sciences. 21: 525-902.
- Van der Salm T. P. M., van der Toorn C. J. G., and Hanisch ten Cate C. H., 1994. Importannce of the iron chelate formula for micropropagation of Rosa hybrida L ‘Moneyway. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture., 37: 73-77.
- Abravesh, z., Assareh, M.H., Tabaei-Aghdaei, S. R., 2012. Effect of Thermal Period on Seed Dormancy of Rosa damascena Mill. Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products 1: 55-59.
- Akbari Khabbaz, M., Ghamari Zare, A., Emam, M., Assareh, M.H., Ghorbanli, M., 2007. Micropropagation of Eucalyptus gongylocarpa, Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research, 15: 142-158 (In Persian).
- Asadi-Corom, F., Mirzaie-Nodoushan, H., Emam, M., Bakhshi-Khaniki, G.R., 2013. Responding populations of Moringa peregrina (Forssk). Fiori to different culture media in callus and regeneration production, Forest and Wood Products, Journal of Natural Resources of Iran, 66 (2): 167-176 (In Persian).
- Assareh, M.H., 2000. Somatic embryogenesis in some Eucalyptus spp. Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research. 3: 11-32 (In Persian).
- Assareh, M.H., Ghorbanli, M. Akbari, M., Ghamari Zare, A. and Emam, M., 2007. Micropropagation, organogenesis and using new method of semiphotoautotrophic in Eucalyptus gongylocarpa, Pajouhesh- va- Sazandegi in Natural Resources, 75: 134-145 (In Persian).
- Assareh, M.H & Sardabi., 2008. Eucalyptus (Description, Illustration & Propagation by Advanced Techniques), Volume 1, Publication of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran 672 P. (In Persian).
- Bennet, I.J., McComb, J.A., Tonkin, CM. and McDavid, D.A.J., 1992. Effect of cytokinins on multiplication and rooting of Eucalyptus globules and other Eucalyptus species. In: Proceedings of conference on mass production technology for genetically improved fast growing forest tree species, France. Association FOrêt-CELlulose (AFOCEL). PP. 195-201.
- Bonga, J.M. & Aderkas, P.V. 1992. In vitro Culture of trees. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 236 pp.
- Bunn E., Senaratna, T., Sivastihamparam, K. and Dixon, K., 2005a. In vitro propagation of Eucalyptus phylacis L. Jhnson and K. Hill., A critically endangered relict from Western Australia. In vitro Cellular and Development Biology-Plant, 41: 812-815.
- Bunn E., 2005b. Development of In vitro methods for ex site conservation of E. impensa, an endangered mallee from southwest Western Australia. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 83: 97-102.
- Dadvar, F., Rostami, Shahraji, T., Assareh, M. H., Emam, M. and Shirvany, A., 2013. Effects of different concentrations of plantsregulators on In vitro micropropagation of Celtis caucasica Willd Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research, 21; 13-23 (In Persian).
- De Bergh, PC., 1983. Effects of agar brand and concentration on the tissue culture medium. Physiology plant, 59: 270- 276.
- Driver, J., and Kuniyuki, A.1984. In vitro propagation of Paradox walnut rootstock. HortScience 19: 507-509.
- Emam, M., Assareh, M.H., Shahrzad, Sh., Khojir, k., 2007. Asexual regeneration of two species of Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus globulus by tissue culture, Final report, Research Institute of Forests and rangelands, Tehran, Iran 45p (In Persian).
- Fallahi, M., Heidari, A., Moharamipour, S., Imani, S., Maroof, A., 2013. Fumigation hexane extract three Eucalyptus species (Eucalyptus microtheca, E. globules and E. camaldulensis) on Saw Toothed Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) Journal of Plant Protection, 5 (1): 45-55.
- Grewal, S. Ahuja, A. and Atal, C.K., 1980. Clonal multiplication of medicinal plants by tissue culture. in vitro proliferation of shoot apices of Eucalyptus citriodora. Hook. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 18:775-776.
- Gupta, P.K., Mascarenhas, A.F. and Jagannathan, V., 1981. Tissue culture of forest trees clonal propagation of mature trees of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook by tissue culture. Plant Science Letters 20: 195-201.
- Gupta, P.K., Mehta, U.J., and Mascarenhas, A.F., 1983. A tissue culture method for rapid propagation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E. torreliana from mature trees. Plant Cell Reports, 2: 296-299.
- Gupta, P.K. and Mascarenhas, A.F., 1987. Eucalyptus. In: Bonga, J.M. and Durzan, D.J. (Eds.), Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol. 3. Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht/ Boston/ Lancaster, 416p.
- Hartney, V.J., and Barker, P.K., 1980. Vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus by tissue culture. IUFRO Symposium and Workshop on Genetic Improvement and Production of Fast Growing Tree Species. Sao Paulo. Brazil. PP 791-793.
- Hartney, V.J., 1981. Vegetative propagation of the Eucalyptus in vitro. In: Proc IUFRO Sects., 2015. Int. Workshop, In Vitro, Cultivation For Tree Species, Fontainebleau, France, Association FOrêt-CELlulose (AFOCEL). PP. 175-180.
- Hosseinzadeh, J., Sardabi, H., Zarin-kaviani. 2017. Comparison of the growth of industrial Eucalyptus species and cultivars in tropical region of Mehran, Forest and Wood Products, 70 (1) :83-9.
- Jawanshir, K., Mossadegh, A., 1973. Eucalyptus, Tehran University Press, 434 p, (In Persian).
- Jacquiot, C., 1964. Application de la technique de culture des tissue vegetaux a Letude de quelques problemes de physiology de Labre. Ann. Sci. for. 21: 310-473.
- Kamalpour, S., Motesharezadeh, B., Alikhani, H.A. and Zarei, M. 2014. Effects of some biotic factors in lead phytoremediation and phosphorous uptake by Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis ). Iranian Journal of Forest, 5(4): 457- 470.
- Karami, O, Jafarzadeh, A.K., Calbi, S, and Jalilvand, H., 2007. Study Eucalyptus cultivation and Its role in preventing the destruction of forests, The 2nd Regional Conference on Natural Resources and the Environment, Islamic Azad University of Arsanjan Branch, Arsanjan, Iran (In Persian).
- Keneshloo. H., Eghtesadi. A., 2011. The effect of afforestation in reduction oil pollution (heavy metals), Journal of Natural Environment, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, 64: 185-197 (In Persian).
- Kirby, E, G., T, Leustek. And M. S. Lee., 1987. Nitrogen nutrition. In: Bonga, J. M. and D. J. Durzan. Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry. Vol 1, General Principles and Biotechnology, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht. PP. 67-88.
- Koriesh, E.M., Abd El-Fattah, Y.M., El-Dayem, M.A., El-Etriby, M.A., 2002. Micropropagation of juvenile Eucalyptus citriodora, Acta Horticulture, 625:283–288
- Lakshmi Sita, G. and Vaidyanathan, C.S., 1979. Rapid multiplication of Eucalyptus by multiple shoot production. Curr. Sci., 48: 350-352.
- Mascarenhas, A.F. Hazara, S., Potdar, U., Kulkarni, D.K. and Gupta, P.K., 1982. Rapid clonal multiplication of mature forest trees through tissue culture. In: Fujiwara, A. (Ed.). Plant Tissue Culture, 1982.Proc 5th Int. Cong Plant Tissue Cell Cult, Tokyo, Japan, PP. 719-720.
- Murashige, T. and F. Skoog., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture. Physiologia Plantarum, 15: 473-597.
- Najafi Ashtiani.A, Assareh. M.H, Baghestani. M.A and Angaji S.J., 2008. The Effects of methanolic extract of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh on Growth and germination rates of Chenopodium album L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 24: 293-303 (In Persian).
- Naraghi. T. S., 2003. In vitro propagation of Taxus baccata through shoot tip cultures, Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding and Genetic Research., 11: 309-325 (In Persian).
- Rad, M.H, Assareh, M.H., Meshkat, M.A., Dashtegian, K., and Soltani, M., 2010. Water requirement and production function of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh) in arid environment. Iranian Journal of Forest, 2(1): 61-71 (In Persian).
- Sardabi, H., Rahmani, A., Hamze, B., Assareh, M.H. and Ghorany, M., 2010, Impact of different Eucalypt species on forest soil properties in Guilan provinc, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 18: 116-131 (In Persian).
- Souza, L.S., E.D. Velini, R.C.S. Maiomoni-Rodella., 2003. Allelopathic effect of weeds and concentrations of Brachiaria decumbens on the initial development of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis). Journal of Applied Sciences. 21: 525-902.
- Van der Salm T. P. M., van der Toorn C. J. G., and Hanisch ten Cate C. H., 1994. Importannce of the iron chelate formula for micropropagation of Rosa hybrida L ‘Moneyway. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture., 37: 73-77.