
تعداد نشریات284
تعداد نشریات سازمان82
تعداد شماره‌ها2,785
تعداد مقالات31,680
تعداد مشاهده مقاله40,111,554
تعداد دریافت فایل اصل مقاله17,605,134


Life history traits of ribbonfish Trichiurus lepturus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

صفحه 298-312


Study on formulated diet for large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) larvae at the early feeding stage

صفحه 313-323
Ruanni Chen؛ Yucong Hong؛ Yujian Hong؛ Kaihui Sun؛ Yuequn Hong


Single cell production by Claveromycice frajilice and Fusarium oxysporum in Kilka stick water

صفحه 324-332
M Babazadeh؛ M Soltani؛ A Kamali؛ M.R. Saediasl


Otolith shape analysis of three mudskipper species of Persian Gulf

صفحه 333-342


Characterization of a high-affinity polyclonal antibody against the Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) intestinal tight junction protein occluding

صفحه 343-357
Junchang Feng؛ Xiangrui Guo؛ Xulu Chang؛ Yuru Zhang؛ Xiaolin Meng؛ Ronghua Lu؛ Mengyuan Huang؛ Guoxing Nie؛ Jianxin Zhang


Effeciency of Spirulina platensis cultured with different nitrogen regimes on larval development, growth and survival rate of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei n.R.1

صفحه 358-369
Mohammad Gorgij Jaski؛ Kiuomars Rohani Ghadikolaei؛ Mazeyar Yahyavei؛ Ali Reza Salarzadeh


Evaluating limnological condition of Anzali international wetland during 32 years period using nutrient parameters and TSI indices

صفحه 370-384
Maryam Fallah؛ Ahmad Reza Pirali Zefrehei؛ Aliakbar Hedayati


Effects of dietary supplementation of Kakuti, Ziziphora clinopodioides, extract on enzymatic and antioxidant parameters of the plasma of common carp, Cyprinus carpio

صفحه 385-395


Evaluation of Yarrowia lipolytica lipase 2 on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and nutritional components of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)

صفحه 396-409
Wen-qi Chen؛ Chengcai Zheng؛ Zhihong Jin؛ Zifeng Ye؛ Jun-wei Wu؛ Shi-chao Qian؛ Zhen-ju Wu؛ Cong Sun؛ Yuqiang Sun؛ Hui Fei


Determinants of fish distribution pattern and habitat preference in protected Karaj River, Iran

صفحه 410-429
Seyed Mehdi Mostafavi؛ Mohammadreza Rahmani؛ Mohammad Kaboli؛ Asghar Abdoli


Optimum weight of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) fingerling to release into brackish water: plasma electrolytes, plasma hormones and histological observation

صفحه 449-462
Elnaz Elnaz Keshtkar Langerudi؛ Shahla Jamili؛ Ehsan Ramezani-Fard؛ Zahra Khoshnood


The decline in the size of ribbonfish, Trichiurus lepturus (Linnaeus 1758), over the past decade in the Persian Gulf

صفحه 463-474
Firuzeh Khadem؛ Mehdi Ghodrarti Shojaei؛ Seyyed Amin Taghavi Motlagh


Cultivations of Arthrospira maxima (Spirulina) using ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate as an alternative nitrogen sources

صفحه 475-489
Neda Mirhosseini؛ Edgar Cano-Europa؛ Reza Davarnejad؛ Ahmad Hallajisani؛ Margarita Franco-Colín؛ Omid Tavakoli؛ Vanessa Blas-Valdivia


Biofloc system applied to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) farming using different carbon sources: Growth performance, carcass analysis, digestive and hepatic enzyme activity

صفحه 490-513


Heavy metals concentration profile of an aquatic environment and health implications of human exposure to fish and prawn species from an urban river (Densu)

صفحه 529-546
Gordon Amankwaa؛ Yi Lu؛ Tianshu Liu؛ Ningwei Wang؛ Yu Luan؛ Yunfei Cao؛ Weihong Huang؛ Xiaoni Ni؛ Eric Gyimah


Effects of four factors on Penaeus monodon post-larvae cannibalism

صفحه 547-557


Study of coral reef benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf

صفحه 558-571
Abdolvahab Maghsoudlou؛ Niloofar Olad Azimi؛ Pargol Ghavam Mostafavi؛ Babak Moghaddasi؛ Ali Mashinchian Moradi


Molecular identification and toxicity effects of cyanobacteria species isolated from the Khoor-e-Khooran mangrove forest, Persian Gulf

صفحه 572-589
Ahmad Zaheri؛ Nima Bahador؛ Morteza Yousefzadi؛ Mitra Arman


Socio-economic analysis of Kilka Fisheries in Southern waters of the Caspian Sea (Iranian waters))

Seyyedamin Taghavimotlagh؛ reza daryanabard؛ Jennifer Gee


Macrobenthos as bioindicator of ecological status in the Yekshabe creek-estuary, Persian Gulf

Sanaz Kosari؛ Rezvan Mousavi Nadushan؛ Reza Faremi؛ Keyvan Ejlali khanghah؛ Ali Mashinchian

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب