Geographical distribution and dispersion of productive activities and industrial enterprises depend on the location decisions. One of the major factors affecting the location decisions is the market structure, one aspect of which is the geographical concentration reflecting the distribution of market power. This study aimed at measuring the geographical concentration, agglomeration and market structure of food industry and analyzing the relevant factors in major producing countries in 2005 and 2013 by using the EGI and HHI indexes. According to the research findings, the structure of world market of food industry (as per the ISIC, Rev. 3, two-digit classification) is oligopolistic while the food industry experienced the most geographical dispersion and the least geographical concentration on global scale with -0.088 and -0.096 in 2005 and 2013, respectively. Key factors determining the geographical concentration of food industry on the global scale include regional natural advantages, primary materials availability, transportation costs, spillovers of domestic and foreign demands, and market access. |
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