Cystic echinococcosis is a significant zoonotic disease, transmitted primarily from dogs to intermediary hosts such as humans, sheep, and cattle. This disease is caused by the larval stage of the Echinococcus granulosus tapeworm. Cystic echinococcosis can lead to severe health complications, including liver and lung cysts, which can cause organ dysfunction and even death if left untreated. Within this study, serum specimens were collected from 25 newborn babies as the negative control group, while an additional 25 serum samples were gathered from surgically confirmed cases of CE to serve as the positive control group. In this study, an Iranian native antigen B was used to design the specific detection of hydatidosis in humans using an AuNP-ELISA method. The AgB isolated from sheep CE fluid was used for the design using the AgB-ELISA method. This study was performed in three stages. At first used the commercial ELISA kit, the second method used native AgB to design the ELISA method, and at last, were used gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with anti-human conjugate combination and AgB-ELISA method. According to the results, sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of hydatidosis in commercial ELISA kit was 92% and 100% respectively, in AgB-ELISA method 96% and 100%, and in Gold Nanoparticle-ELISA method 100% and 100% respectively. Using Ag B in ELISA design for hydatidosis diagnosis has attracted researchers in recent years. The results have shown that using AgB in ELISA design is so valuable, but the sensitivity will be increased significantly if used gold nanoparticles with anti-human conjugate, especially in lower titer which needs accuracy. |
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