In this study, AquaCrop model was employed to simulate the grain yield of pea plants under future climate conditions, considering various irrigation treatments and different planting dates as an adaptation strategy, in Babol County, Iran. The grain yield and biomass of pea plants were simulated for the next three decades for planting dates of October (16, 23, and 30), November 6, 13, 20, and 27), under future climate scenarios of 126SSP, 245SSP, and 585SSP of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Report, and three levels of irrigation: 100% (I1), 80% (I2), and 60% (I3). According to the results, the highest pea yield in the 2023-32 was simulated for the I1 treatment under the 585SSP scenario on November 6, yielding 7.2 t/ha, while the lowest yield was simulated for the I3 treatment under the same scenario on November 27, yielding 4.1 t/ha. In 2033-42, the highest yield was observed for I1 under the 585SSP scenario on November 13, yielding 8.4 t/ha, and the lowest yield for I3 under the 245SSP scenario on November 27, yielding 4.4 t/ha. In the 2043-52, the highest yield was simulated for I1 under the 585SSP scenario on November 9, yielding 8.7 t/ha, while the lowest yield belonged to I3 under 126SSP on October 16, yielding 3.9 t/ha. The highest pea biomass in 2023-32 was simulated for I1 under the 585SSP scenario on November 13, yielding 17.1 t/ha, while the lowest biomass belonged to I3 under the same scenario on November 27, yielding 10.3 t/ha. In 2033-42, the highest biomass was simulated for I1 under the 585SSP on November 20, yielding 20.1 t/ha, and the lowest biomass for the I3 under the 245SSP scenario on November 27, yielding 11.1 t/ha. In 2043-52, the highest biomass was for the I1 under the 126SSP scenario on November 13, yielding 20.6 t/ha, while the lowest biomass was observed for I3 under the 245SSP on November 27, yielding 12.7 t/ha. Therefore, the optimal planting dates for pea crops in Babol County are October 30, November 6 and 13, under the I1 irrigation, which can help improve crop and irrigation management in this region. Overall, climate change can lead to both increases and decreases in pea yield and biomass, but with proper irrigation management and selection of the optimal planting dates, the likelihood of yield increase is higher. |
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