Olive is a vital medicinal product known for its numerous health benefits and therapeutic properties. This study aimed to assess how olive production units affect the assets of working households through a sustainable livelihood approach. The research combined library research and field methods, utilizing a questionnaire as its primary tool. A panel of experts validated the questionnaire for content and face validity post-revision, with a Cronbach's alpha estimate of 0.97 for general reliability. The study was carried out in Rudbar County. The statistical population comprised 5053 olive orchard owners, with a sample size of 604 individuals determined using Bartlett's table. The data were analyzed using the SPSS and LISREL software packages. The main findings, as determined by LISREL, were as follows: P-VALUE = 0.000001, AGFI = 0.9, GFI = 0.91, NNFI = 0.95, CFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.038, IFI = 0.95, and X^2/df = 1.88. These findings suggest that the measurement model fits well and is deemed acceptable. The study demonstrated that olive production units have enhanced the livelihoods of participants across various dimensions, including natural, financial, physical, human, and social aspects. Also, a positive and significant correlation was identified between the five livelihood capitals and the livelihood levels of the households. A comprehensive and holistic approach is essential to enhance and maintain the well-being of the target community, considering the interconnected nature of livelihood capitals and livelihood levels. This aligns with the importance of addressing multifaceted aspects of livelihoods to achieve sustainable development and positive outcomes for communities. |
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