In all countries, the agricultural sector and its support are of great importance, and this sector is of strategic importance; because it is directly in relation with the basic needs of the society and the health of the people of each country. In Iran, with the approval of the single article of the Agricultural Products Insurance Law in 1983, the Agricultural Insurance Fund was established in 1984 in order to insure all types of agricultural products against certain losses in the Agricultural Bank. The examination of the organizational structure of the Agricultural Insurance Fund indicates that although the headquarters have a dense structure at the fund's location in Tehran, the continuation of the route is beyond the authority of this institution and the operational affairs of agricultural insurance in the provinces and cities are in the branches of the Agricultural Bank and done by the employees of that financial institution. Considering the changes in environmental factors such as political, economic and social factors and the increase in the expectations of the upstream and legislative bodies, strategic renewal in the fund should be on the agenda. The first step in presenting the renovation plan is to present the model. The purpose of this research is to provide a model for the strategic renewal of the agricultural insurance fund.
Materials and Methods
This research uses a qualitative and exploratory approach. The tool of the qualitative part is a semi-structured interview, and the systematic version of Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory was chosen to perform the qualitative analysis. The sampling frame is of a theoretical type and a representative sample method, selected from those beneficiaries, employees, managers and all people who are somehow playing a role in the agricultural insurance fund or related institutions such as the Agricultural Bank and the Ministry of Agriculture-Jahad. Data analysis of the interviews was done in three stages: open coding, central or theoretical coding, and selective coding. Through interviews, the current situation, challenges, opportunities and threats facing the agricultural insurance fund have been identified and finally a model for the strategic renewal of the fund has been presented.
Results and Discussion
From the 25 interviews conducted, a total of 102 primary concepts were obtained in the form of 1163 codes, which were finally identified as causal factors in the form of 50 subcategories and 6 main categories. Also, background conditions, strategies and solutions, intervention conditions, and the results and effects of implementing strategic renovation in the fund were determined. The achievement of this research is to present a paradigm model.
The most important damages of the current structure of the fund are in 5 strategic, organizational, financial and economic, technical, human and cultural dimensions. According to the Strauss and Corbin model, various factors influence the current structure and status of the agricultural insurance fund; while causal factors are classified in the form of organizational, economic and financial, cultural and human, technical and legal factors. In addition to causal factors, background conditions also, which are mainly imposed from outside the fund's structure and from the environment, cause the current situation when they must be controlled or used as a lever and motivator for the successful implementation of strategic renewal. These conditions are classified and presented in two categories: opportunities and threats. The central phenomenon, which is digital strategic renewal, has had effects and consequences that, according to the participants in the interview, reducing the gap between expectation and performance from the customer's point of view; improving the performance of the fund in financial and non-financial indicators; establishing a win-win relationship with stakeholders.
Due to the benefit of the qualitative research method and providing a paradigm model based on data base theory, this study can be innovative from the point of view of the method. And on the other hand, the use of experts and executive managers and stakeholders who are active in the strategic modernization of an organization, and involved in the interview phase, can be another strong point for the presented model. |
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