Based on 16 STR-loci, the allele pool and interbreed differentiation of goat breeds of Russian and foreign breeding were investigated in this study. These breeds included Karachai (KRCH-K, n=73, mountain zone; KRCH-Z, n=33, foothill zone), Dagestan Downy (DAGD, n=30), Dagestan Wool (DAGW, n=30), Soviet Wool (SOVW, n=30), Saanen (SAAN, n=34), Murciano-Granadina (MURS, n=37), as well as wild goats, represented by three species of mountain goats (n=52): Siberian Capricorn (Capra sibirica) of Altai (CSIB-S, n=6), Tajikistan (CSIB-T, n=4), Kyrgyzstan (CSIB-K, n=6), and the Himalayas (CSIB-H, n=4); Bezoar goat (Capa aegagrus) of Turkey (CAEG, n=3) and Pakistan (CAEG-S, n=3); West Caucasian tur (Capra caucasica): western Caucasian (Kuban, CCAU-K, n=10), central Caucasian (CCAU-M, n=8), and eastern Caucasian (Dagestan, CCAU-D, n=8). The highest genetic diversity was observed in the North Caucasus breeds, such as Karachai, Dagestan Downy, and Dagestan Wool. The mean numbers of alleles per locus and allelic diversity were 7.385-9.154 and 7.353-7.713, respectively. The genetic proximity of Caucasian breeds was confirmed by cluster analysis, and they formed a common branch with the highest genetic affinity, while the Orenburg and Soviet Wool breeds formed another branch, and the third branch with the least affinity was the dairy breed of foreign selection. The analysis of the phylogenetic tree of domestic and wild species established the formation of three clusters formed by the subspecies of the West Caucasian tur, Siberian ibex, and breeds of domestic goats. At the same time, populations of the Bezoar goats were localized at the root of the last cluster, which confirmed their role as the ancestors of domestic goats. |
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