In hydrological models, in order to better model the runoff process, it is necessary to calibrate the model using observational data. In the process of calibration of hydrological models, in addition to the quality of observation data and the optimization algorithm, the objective function also affects the efficiency of the model. In most studies, statistical criteria such as NSE and RMSE are used as objective functions in the calibration process of hydrological models. Given the structure of the model and the relationships used in each of the evaluation criteria, each of them has good performance in simulating a part of the hydrograph. One of the important parameters of each basin, which is a kind of basin reaction indicator for different discharge values, is the Flow Continuity Curve (FDC). In this study, the efficiency of objective functions based on flow continuity curve and statistical objective functions in optimizing the parameters of the HBV hydrological model in Ziyarat Watershed of Golestan Province was investigated and compared. After introducing input data to model using DDS algorithm, model was calibrated 100 times for each objective function. When model was calibrated, using optimized parameter sets model output for calibration and validation period was obtained. Results showed that criteria such as NSE and KGE have better performance in predicting high flows, criteria such as RMSE and AME predicted moderate flow discharge better and criteria based on FDC had better performance in predicting low flows. In prediction different parts of hydrograph FDC objective function has the best performance, RMSE and MAE were in sound order and NSE and KGE did not have suitable performance. |
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