Any change in the concentration of greenhouse gases will upset the balance between the components of the climate system. But, the change in the concentration of these gases and how they will affect in the future is unknown. To study the effects of climate change on different systems in the future, climate variables must first be simulated under changes in greenhouse gases (climate scenarios). There are several ways to do this, the most reliable of which is the use of climatic models. AOGCMs can simulate climate parameters globally in large scale, while these may not be suitable for small scales. One of the most important downscaling methods is dynamic methods that are based on increasing the resolution and analysis of planetary climate models. Here, in this research, climate change status in Karkheh River Basin where a major basin for water and agricultural yields is studied. For this purpose, the PRECIS model was used. PRECIS is an exponential dynamics downscaling model used to estimate the temperature and precipitation rates for the period of 2070 to 2100 under A2 and B2 scenarios. According to the results of climate change assessment under scenario A2, precipitation would increase up to 11% and up to five degree centigrade would rise in average maximum and minimum temperature while concerning B2 scenario, an increase in precipitation up to 7% and a rise in temperature rise up to three degree centigrade are estimated. However, under both the scenarios, despite, the fall’s precipitation is higher than the winter’s precipitation. |
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